My entire vintage collection, that is. I decided to bring everything home from the antique store I was in. The place is about 25 miles from my house and it was getting to be a challenge to get there, put in new items, straighten up, and generally feel in control of my inventory.
My first task was to finally say goodbye to all the vintage clothing projects-repairs, redesigns, cleaning tasks, etc.-that were taking up valuable storage space. Where should I take it all ? Back to Goodwill and SA where they came from ? Good plan, but lo and behold, a message appeared on craigslist asking for vintage clothing and costumes for a wonderful, non-profit, arts academy for inner city kids. Solution ! Out come all the unfinished and unstarted projects and the bags start to fill up. Add to that, an ironing board, iron and display rack and the van fills up quickly. I head downtown to the Adams Morgan area of DC to the
Patricia M. Sitar Center . There I'm greeted by three helpful young male students who unload everything in a flash and it's done !
Later I get a thank you letter and email from the director who tells me the costume director is gleefully digging through the bags and finding things they will use right away in their summer theater production. Good feelings all around.
Next, the move from the antique store. I was able to remove some large display pieces and some clothing earlier so all that was left was easily removed in a 10 minute trip. Whew ! So now everything is home now, just waiting to be photographed, measured and listed one by one =P